Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 4, 2016

Join INVESTORS Club 2016 Analysis and market trends to become a successful investor?

1. Learn

Before becoming the home of the world's greatest Investor Warren Buffett diving Wade go in search of a good teacher to school, help him go faster and avoid many mistakes. Buffett's mentor Benjamin Graham is.

You like to cook delicious, they must find a good teacher to learn, not able to read cookbooks not only that progress was.

Business or investment horizon not simple, need to learn before the start. Because "School Sports sweat the battle field at least bloodshed"

Successful investors often learn constantly, They spend a lot of time to research than ordinary investors. They know that their knowledge will never be enough, so always keep your mind open to learning at any time. They read books, newspapers, magazines and attend seminars to improve yourself.

2. Observe, ask questions, And find answers.

Don't ever ignore the information and daily family events, You need to observe and ask questions.
For example, after gasoline price funeral information, please ask your question

Why? Why are gas prices rising.
How? Gas prices increase the impact to the economy, business activities of transport enterprises, import and export, chemical fertilizers, plastic production ... vvv

Home Physics genius Albert Einstein once said: "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow, and the most important thing is never to stop questioning.

3. time management.

Before you turn on your computer to write out things to do, otherwise you will waste time on facebook and the web page loads, which can't do anything useful after wandering on the internet.
One day everyone has 24 hours, why are there people who don't have success, it all depends on how to use their time.

4. Highly concentrated

Andrew Carnegie said: "those who succeed are the ones who choose for themselves a road and took it". Successful investors often focus on only one means of investment. They invest only once at a time. For example, Warren Buffet focusing on stocks, Jim Rogers likes the futures contract and Donald Trump, the real estate preferred.

5. Always prepare planning retreat

Successful investors know that the investment always has two sides. The future is impossible to predict and so they are prepared for it. Ordinary investors are always trying to guess the results of the investment. But smart investors, then do the opposite, they prepare for both best case and worst.
That's why successful investors always make money when the market goes up, and earns even more when the market goes down. So, if you want to succeed, prepare a plan to withdraw before investing in anything.

6. Be patient

The very talented investor patience. Once the calculation of investment, they are always ready to wait to make sure that that plan will really. Warren Buffet said: "I never intended to make money from the stock market. I just bought because of the thought that they would close the market right tomorrow and should arrive five years later opened again ".

7. good emotion control

The real investors are aware that the market up and down primarily due to two factors, sentiment is the fear and greed.

Investors normally invest based on feeling. But successful people always know how good control of his emotions.

They do not allow the words of experts or financial consultant affect the choice and method of their investment.

Successful investors generally have neutral response whether they gain or lose. They did not abandon his investment strategy just because of a few setbacks and also not too confident when is the winner.Although the market is like, then they always thought winning chance is 50-50.

8. Have a clear investment strategy

Each investor must develop a clear investment strategy tied to it. A few people succeed with a strategy to diversify the portfolio.

While others such as Warren Buffet just like investments focus on a handful of stocks. He said: "diversification is a way to counteract job I don't know. But it has no meaning for those who know what they're doing ".

J. Paul Getty-one other talented investor, said that: "Let's buy when all people are selling and sell when everyone is buying. This is not just a catchy slogan, but it is also very necessary for successful investment ".

9. Always firmly believe

Henry Ford said: "when things seem to be coming back to you, then always remember that planes are flying reverse rather than shun the wind".

So, always faithful to his investment strategy even if you gain or lose. Ordinary investors lack consistency, and consequently they forever just ordinary people only. They jump out to snatch the other strategy strategies and health care just search for new recipes.
10. Know how to take advantage of the leverage

The difference between a successful investor and a regular investor is investing other people's money.Using other people's money to invest is also a form of leverage. In his book "rich dad poor Dad –" sentence: "From the most important investment is ' cash flow ', and from the second is important ' leverage '".

But this is not the only form of leverage investors can take advantage of. It can also be your specialist team, investment experience or internal information that you get.
J. Paul Getty said: "If you owe the Bank $ 100, that's your problem. But if you owe the Bank 100 million, then it is the problem of the Bank ".

11. There is a strong financial foundation

Ajaero Tony Martins said: "no business intelligence was created in school, that you find it in the street. In school, you are taught how to manage other people's money. And on the street, you are taught how to make money ".

Therefore, you only succeed when standing in the street. Successful investors often have a very solid financial foundation, and the foundation that was formed on the street. They preserve the foundation that by participating in seminars, reading newspapers, magazines, learning from others or listening to the tape. And then they go out to find get the experience for yourself.

12. make financial education game
Cashflow game is financial education tools were designed by Robert Kiyosaki (author of the best-selling book "teach you get rich") where the casting more than 30 years experience in the investment business and his reality.

This game gives the player the habit of managing the debts, assets, income, costs and how to control the flow of money through investment opportunities, like real-life transactions.

If you have read the book "taught me the enrichment" that ignored this Cashflow game then you have missed the opportunity to practice the knowledge gleaned are before applying to the fact.

Video introduction:

By playing with money and make money working with risk due to low, you will shorten the 10-year experience of its money, at this time you really master the coins and master of his life. If you want to learn Cashflow please clickhere

What are you waiting for sign up now link here to experience?

Wish you will become a true investor!


Nick Skype: phamvandong56745
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